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HANGZHOU Realy Tech COVID-19 IgM/IgG Rapid Test is an effective method of IgG/IgM anti-COVID antibody detection at home, without visiting the hospital. The result can be obtained already in 10-15 minutes. Everything required for the test is in the package — no additional equipment required; it’s completely safe for your health!

Rapid tests are simple to use; the result is obtained in 10 minutes without any additional equipment. Regarding accuracy, these systems have a clinical specificity of 99 % and sensitivity up to 98 %. This product has been included in the list of export products approved by the PRC Ministry of Commerce. These tests are supplied to more than 50 countries and world regions, including the USA, Italy, Germany, Russia, UAE.

For more specific information and prices, please contact our specialist on the phone or leave your request in one of the feedback forms.


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