The Aurum Medical Company is in the 51st place of TOP 100 medical device vendors in the government contract market as of 2020.

According to Vademecum Analytical Center data, the Aurum Company has improved its position almost twice compared to 2019, shifting to 51st place in the rating of medical device vendors in the government contract market.

The market of medical device government contracts in 2020 was affected by two major factors — COVID‑19 pandemics and reactive actions of the state that tried to divert the coronavirus threat.

According to Vademecum Analytical Center data collected using the service, the scope of state medical device procurements in 2020 was 599 billion roubles (almost twice as that in 2019), which is comparable to the data from the Ministry of Finance of Russia — it has evaluated the total cost of contracts concluded in 2020 for the “Healthcare Development” program equal to 571 billion roubles. According to the Ministry of Industrial Trade of Russia, the scope of the medical device market in 2020 reached 547 billion roubles.

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