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Pump for rinsing surgical surfaces and medical devices. The equipment generates a powerful pulsating jet. It washes away blood and its clots, food residues, fecal masses.

It improves surgical field imaging.


  • Good tissue visibility.
  • EIP may be activated during intestinal rinsing, simultaneously with it, or additionally (depending on the diagnosis and the treatment method).

Product Summary

  • The device solves the problem of decreased tissue adhesion in electrical surgery (during coagulation and cutting). Besides, both these processes become more efficient. The lavage is performed under high pressure with high irrigation volumes (up to 500 mL/min).
  • Important tool for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, including bowel lavage;
  • Used in open and endoscopic surgical interventions;
  • Used with single-use ERBEFLO accessories (multiple use excluded);
  • An irrigation adapter and a set of pump-compressor tubes may directly connect to the endoscope;
  • Activation with a foot switch or a device button;
  • Quick selection of the irrigation level with a single activation button pressing on the screen;
  • Three standard irrigation levels (30 %, 50 %, or 80 %), the possibility of selecting and storing proper options. Functions provide 1 % adjustments to the flow increment to achieve the best effect;
  • The intuitive interface enables the easy introduction of even slight changes.

Thanks to ERBE EIP 2, additional equipment (rinsing catheter in particular) is not required. This simplifies the operation, making it cheaper.


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